We are proud to offer our Membership Savings Plan, a new approach to dentistry.

At Otto Family Dental, we've taken the initiative to streamline your dental care by introducing our exclusive in-house plan, ensuring a hassle-free experience without the complexities of insurance.

Individual $319 /yr  

Family $499 /yr  

$99 per additional child under the age of 13 per year. $149 per additional member over the age of 13 per year.

Perio $519 /yr  

Includes all periodontal maintenance/ cleaning a year. Includes all benefits of original plan.

The Membership Savings Plan includes the following:

  • (Includes all x-rays necessary for treatment.)

  • (This does not include advanced services such as root planing/ debridement.)

  • (Includes all x-rays necessary for treatment.)

    (Does not include the cost of necessary treatment.)

  • (Cannot be combined with other office promotions.)

    (Cannot be combined with in-network dental insurance.)

    (Does not apply to cancellation or missed appointment fees.)


What Is Fee For Service?

Fee for service means that you get what you pay for. Instead of relying on insurance, we charge an upfront fee and don’t involve insurance in our treatment decisions. This allows us to plan treatment without third-party involvement and lets you know the cost upfront

• You won’t have to worry about what insurance will and won’t cover.

• We will always submit your insurance, but you will only receive an out-of-network benefit.

• If your out-of-network benefit is not mailed to you within 30 days, please contact us directly.

Why Not Dental Insurance?

Fee for service allows us to deliver the best possible service at a reasonable price and places the patient first. Unfortunately, dental insurance underperforms in many ways. Let’s take a look at why:

• Patients have a monthly fee. “The average dental insurance premium is $29.85 per month.”

• Patients have a yearly max. The typical yearly max is $1000; once this maximum is reached, you are expected to pay the full amount.

• Patients still pay a portion of the treatment. Rarely does insurance cover the entire cost of the treatment being performed.

• Insurance determines coverage. Financial responsibility falls on the patient.

• Patients often have a waiting period before they begin their insurance.

How Is Our Plan Different?

• No waiting period. Start treatment right away.

• No missing tooth clause or pre-existing condition clauses.

• No deductibles, no yearly maximums.

• No insurance denials.

• No confusing ‘patient portions’ or unknown fee schedules.

Fee for service allows us to provide the time, care, and service that you deserve without overtreating, overdiagnosing, and overstacking our schedule with patients.